I have regularly and loudly complained that the BBC News website is unnecessarily slow, so when I was given the opportunity to help rebuild one of the most visited pages of BBC News—the front page—I jumped at the chance...
It’s easy for a website’s performance to degrade over time. Trying to keep up with the competition through innovation rarely affords the time to tune and optimize and, often times, organizations struggle with balancing performance technical debt with their day-to-day operations...
Improving third-party web performance at The Telegraph
We use SpeedCurve and have found it invaluable to help pinpoint potential problems along the way. The dashboards they offer around JavaScript usage and third-parties remind us to keep a record of where we’ve come from and where we need to be...
We made a simple code change but the impact on the wider GOV.UK codebase was significant. We changed the way the `@font-face` loading method referenced fonts...
Farfetch analyzed more than 1M pageviews and found that conversion rate decreased 2.7% for each additional second of TTI on mobile, and 2.1% on desktop.....
In emerging markets, maintaining optimal web performance can become a challenge: varying network conditions and different device topology cause issues. Thanks to trivago's rigorous testing culture, we identified these issues in one of our key emerging markets...
How Casper shaved 1.7 seconds off casper.com by self-hosting Optimizely
We recently deployed a change to casper.com that loaded a piece of 3rd party JavaScript from our own server instead of the vendor’s server. This change shaved 1.7 seconds off of the start render time...
Designing a sustainable front-end toolset for Financial Times
The Financial Times explain how they cut Time To Interactive in half across their main applications while keeping the process sustainable and supportable.....
How performance budgets help Wehkamp keep a highly performant website
Wehkamp are using performance budgets, the Status dashboard and Slack alerts to stay on top of site changes and make sure they catch performance issues when they.....
How the web performance team tackled the task of gathering data, prevented performance regression as developers shipped new features, executed on the best opportunities to improve the Pinterest experience for our users, and made performance a priority for the company...
GOV.UK enabled HTTP2 and were able to measure that this significantly improved performance. They found that, for users with slower devices and connections, start render improved by 2.5 seconds and page load time by 6 seconds.....
NerdWallet shares how adopting SpeedCurve is "probably the biggest change we've made to ensure we are on top of our performance" by building "a culture that values site performance and measures it on a regular basis."..
Fostering a web performance culture on leroymerlin.fr
French retailer LeroyMerlin shares how they use a combination of RUM and synthetic monitoring – including performance budgets and alerts – to keep their entire team up to speed...
How GOV.UK uses synthetic web performance monitoring
Matt Hobbs shares a straightforward, pragmatic walkthrough of how he set up the performance monitoring dashboards – including configuring test settings and creating performance budgets and alerts – for GOV.UK.....
Building a mobile-first and performance-first culture at Vox Media
A mobile-first perspective is also a performance-first perspective at Vox Media. Dan Chilton and Guillermo Esteves talk about how they helped build a culture of performance...
How Unsplash setup “Real User Monitoring” using redux-observable
We recently started using SpeedCurve to track Unsplash’s performance. To get its “Real User Monitoring” (a.k.a. “LUX”) working with our app, we needed to do some extra work to handle client-side navigations...
Setting performance budgets doesn’t need to be complex or confusing. You simply need some existing data, some monitoring, and to remember that budgets and targets are two different things.....
Business Insider and art of correlation and performance metrics
At Insider Inc., we have been ramping up our focus on synthetic testing as an important way to test web performance. A more performant user experience translates to user satisfaction...
Launching A Successful Redesign For 20 Million Students at Quizlet
When more than 20 million people use your service each month, how and when you roll out a redesign matters. When considering making a big update, we knew we had to make it better for our users not just aesthetically but also functionally...
Patrick details the performance pitfalls and bottlenecks from networking to rendering their team has had to break through in order to deliver the latest news hot off the press and straight to the browser within the psychologically important 1000ms barrier...
A project focused on optimizing Core Web Vitals and migrating to Next.js resulted in a 5% increase in conversion rates and a 87% increase in pages per session...
I've been using @SpeedCurve for only a week, and I'm 100% sold. If you really care about front end #performance, get this tool. Holy crap is it amazing. I can easily graph my #lighthouse scores over time.
Ian Carrico
Vox Media
Couldn't have made the progress we did without @SpeedCurve great product!
Patrick Hamann
The Guardian
We used SpeedCurve to track the performance of the new Guardian responsive site which now loads four times faster and is one of the fastest news sites in the US.
The Crunchy Toast
@SpeedCurve when did custom charts get a million times more useful?!?!?! I'm in chart heaven right now.
Addy Osmani
Google Chrome
❤️ everything SpeedCurve have been doing lately: First Input Delay support, Long Tasks, CPU Scripting time, Perf Budget support, Last Painted Hero. Y'all are rocking the performance monitoring space big time.
Guy Podjarny
Web Performance and Security geek
SpeedCurve is visually awesome and holds functionality I've been expecting someone to finally build for quite a while.
Andreas Stephan
Senior Product Manager @ Talentformation
We just had a great call about some @SpeedCurve features with @tameverts and @Souders. I am really delighted to get such great customer service in additions to such an awesome tool! Thanks!
Nick Howe
Hitachi Data Systems
SpeedCurve took 5 minutes to set up and gives me an instant view of how our site is performing in absolute terms, and relative to our competition.
Tamara Forza
Lead frontend developer @ Schiphol
I'm glad we use @SpeedCurve at work to improve and monitor the performance of the #Schiphol website.
Tom Dooner
We've got SpeedCurve on the studio wall monitor and staying faster than our competitors is hugely motivating.
Andre Scholten
Web Performance Specialist
Love working with @speedcurve, pointing out how competitors do, gets management up and running ;)
Harry Roberts
CSS Wizardry
I absolutely love demoing @speedcurve to clients. Gives me a chance to fall in love with it all over again. It just does soooo much.
Cato Johnston
Digital Arts Network
We used @SpeedCurve to track Synthetic and RUM results over time. We convinced a client to turn Adobe Tag Manager off for two weeks. Load times went through the floor!
Mike Geyser
Equal Experts
@SpeedCurve is just the best. It has helped wrangle react, ads, layout shifts, caching, budgets. The most valuable thing it's given us is a mechanism to openly and honestly engage business about performance.
Barry Pollard
Author of HTTP/2 in Action
A site redesign really shows @SpeedCurve’s worth. So much good stuff in there that I haven’t had time to play with until now.
Joao Cunha
@SpeedCurve is the best tool I know for creating and nurturing a culture of performance. Gives you insights, points out what the main performance issues are and even ranks your site against competitors.
Joao Pedro Ribeiro
We managed to shave ~1s by tweaking our HTTP/2 server push settings 🚀 All monitored via @SpeedCurve amazing dashboards.
Vitaly Friedman
Smashing Magazine
Thank you for your stellar work, friends! ❤️
Kyle Rush
VP of Engineering for @Casper. Formerly @HillaryClinton, @BarackObama, @Optimizely, @NewYorker
You all have a great tool on your hands. Can’t remember being this happy/excited about B2B software in years 😃
Simao Freitas
Marley Spoon
SpeedCurve just keeps on giving. Just helped me find another big performance bottleneck. This tool is a no brainer ❤️
Tim Kadlec
Performance Consultant
I love @SpeedCurve for correlating RUM data to business metrics. They have some out of the box stuff around bounce rate, and it's easy to add custom business metrics to graph and track.